Would You Invest 15 Minutes to Find Out If You Could Save 15% to 40% on All Your Phone Bills?
Telecom Auditing Group, LLC Consultation Form
To Schedule Your Initial FREE Consultation Call: 1-603-595-0303
(between the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm EST)
The initial consultation is complimentary. There is absolutely no cost or obligation, no pressure and no sales pitch. If you are interested, please act quickly, as we can only schedule a few complimentary sessions per week.
As a bonus for scheduling a free consultation, you will get a FREE REPORT from Telecom Auditing Group, LLC called “21 Telecom Tips”, designed to save you money and time. Learn what the telecom auditing and consulting firms DON’T want you to know about getting the most out of your telecommunications services such as:
* Don’t limit your name selection to name brands.
* Do not oversubscribe to the number of phone lines.
* Do not assume that you have to buy your own equipment.
Or, Simply Fill In The Short Form Below and A Representative
Will Contact You At Your Convenience.
We appreciate your company restructuring our telecommunications services. Our savings generated using your assistance amounted to $6717 per year which is 35% less than our original configuration… During this reorganization process you also helped solve some complex telecommunications issues that were hindering our business productivity.
DiStefano Medical Group, MA
Your company did a great job restructuring our telecommunications service.
Our insurance agency has reduced its telecommunications overhead by twenty percent per year!
When you first told us that you would save us money on our current service we were skeptical. Upon our receiving our next telecommunications invoice we were no longer skeptical but elated.
Thank you again for your service.
Obrey Insurance Agency, NH
This is a letter of appreciation for the work you did on my company’s account. I spent several months trying to resolve a billing dispute …I was concerned that my company’s reputation would be compromised and that my service would be interrupted.We talked and I explained my situation. You solved the problem for me that very day! I had the credit promised me and even better a letter from the carrier stating the credit was applied to my account. I was very impressed…Your company… saved me an additional 24% off my current service.
Entrepreneuer Source, NC
Call Toll-Free Now 1-603-595-0303